Welcome to the Sports Center
Our programs are designed to reach out to children in local schools and strategic communities in order to offer them an on-going program of positive sports activities.
Empowering young girls through the exciting sport of football. Join us in revolutionizing the game and promoting inclusivity for all.
Our focus extends to the exciting world of travelball, providing opportunities for teams to explore the game beyond borders.
HS / College Prep. School
Our elite high school program provides opportunities for young athletes to learn and play the right way. Join us in fostering a love for sports across the continent and empowering the next generation of elite players in Africa.
The Introduction to Coaching Youth Sports course is a great place to start. Whether you are currently coaching a team or looking to get into coaching, this course will help you create a safe, fun, and positive baseball environment.
Our coaches are highly trained and well qualified individuals with many years of experience in the playing and instructing baseball, football and basketball. The coaches work closely together to assure players acquiring all aims and goals of the academy.
All our coaches have different educational and playing background, which guarantees diversity in the instructing methods and better real-life approach.
Age group 8-16
Our Program Offers:
Connect with us by searching Playball Europe or Africa on all platforms
Playball Africa is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to inspiring and encouraging young Africans and building Communities through sports. We provide a positive American sports experience to children across Africa especially those in deprieved communities. The organization is currently runned by volunteers from the local communities and organizations and with over 50 registered players both boys and girls ranging from age 7 through to 18. We aim to create an inter-community environment where youth from all over Africa can come to play sports, exchange and combine the different trends and habits of their native community and also bringing the opportunity to support the growth of American sports throughout Africa.